Sea Buckthorn Plants
Quality. Professional Support.
Research & Development. Service.
The Healing Arc Inc. is a company dedicated to providing superior products & unparalleled service to Health Care Practitioners across North America. Our research and development includes the talent base of the Ministry of Agriculture, the University of Guelph, as well as the Agriculture Adaptation Council. In addition to supplying the highest quality products to Health Care Practitioners, the Healing Arc is committed to innovative agricultural research and product development within Canada.
Our goal is to supply and produce products that will work to restore and support the inherent healing systems of the body and are in harmony with natural processes. The Healing Arc prides itself as a Canadian company which focuses on Research, Quality, Professional Support, and Service.


Sea Buckthorn
Sea Buckthorn is rich in many essential nutrients. It contains high concentrations of Vitamin C, carotenoids, fatty acids as well as phytochemicals that are known to have strong antioxidant activity. Sea Buckthorn has proven to be a Value Chain Crop and ongoing research continues.

Nutritional Products
Our goal is to supply and produce products that will work to restore and support the inherent healing systems of the body and are in harmony with natural processes. The Healing Arc prides itself as a Canadian company which focuses on Research, Quality, Professional Support, and Service.
Sea Buckthorn - The Multi Dimensional Plant
What is “Sea Buckthorn?” Incredibly rich in carotenoids, antioxidants, and other phytocehmicals, it is being called the “super berry.” We operate Ontario’s first ever sea buckthorn orchard in Teeswater – watch Marlene (owner/operator) describe and walk you through the uses and benefits for this multi dimensional plant. Welcome to the world of Sea Buckthorn!