The health promoting properties of Sea Buckthorn and its unique oil have earned it a well-deserved reputation as a powerful healer in Europe and in Asia. Clinical investigations of medicinal uses of Sea Buckthorn were initiated in Russia during the 1950’s (Gurevich, 1956). Sea Buckthorn oil is approved for clinical use in hospitals in Russia and in China, where it was formally listed in the Pharmacopoeia in 1977 (Xu, 1994). The most important pharmacological functions of Sea Buckthorn oil can be summarized as diminishing inflammation, disinfecting bacteria, relieving pain and promoting the regeneration of tissues.
The therapeutic oils contained in Sea Buckthorn berries are stated to be the most potent naturally occurring concentrate of healing bioactive compounds in the world. Sea Buckthorn oil is easily absorbing and has a slightly medicinal herbal scent. It is high in oleic acid (omega 7) which makes it exceptional for dry, irritated, or aging skin. Pure Sea Buckthorn oil is naturally dark orange in colour. Due to the essential fatty acids in Sea Buckthorn oil it will coagulate (similar to olive oil) when cold.